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The Stray in the ashes, Ayyappas, Umikkari and Goddu Rasam!

Heap of Ash The stray that had sought the comfort of a heap of ashes from burnt leaves next to the mango tree starts a slow whimper that escalates into a half-hearted howl punctuated with feeble barks, effectively disrupting a pre-dawn dream-show and ending any chance to drift back into blissful sleep.   It was still in the wee hours of the night and dawn was clearly a couple of hours away.   You could hear the chanting of "Swamiye Saranam Ayyappa" in low undertones from a small group of "Ayyappas" heading for an early morning dip in the temple pond.   One of them held a "Choottu" (torch) made of   dried pinnate leaves of the coconut tree,   to light the path.   Quiet as it might have seemed, the commotion was enough to disturb the canine from its beauty sleep, snuggled in the warmth of the smooth ashes. The "Ayyappa" devotees were preparing for their pilgrimage to Sabarimala.   Wearing rudraksha/tulasi bead "m...

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